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Everyone should feel safe and have fun at festivals, whether you are attending the festival, performing at the festival or working at a festival. To do so we need everyone to be visable that there is zero tolerance to sexual assault

Some info that make us a step closer to having a safe, inclusive, equal and fun festival space:

-Safer Spaces

-Code's of Conduct

-Friendly Festivals Scotland (want we are involved with to encourage Music Festivals to be visible with their anti sexual harassment & assault polices)



'There is no such things as a ''safe space.'' No one's safety or comfort can be guaranteed one hundred percent of the time. And a ''Safer Space'' does not mean ''free of challenging ideas'' or different options, or never being exposed to people who are different than you. It doesn't even promise that harassment and violence will never happen. But we can make spaces safer, first by acknowledging that some people are discriminated against just for being who they are, and then by doing what we can to ensure the feel supported if it happens on our watch.' 
- 'Making Space Safer' pocket guide by Shawna Potter



Fanny Riot’s

The Flaps Project 

Code of Conduct

  • Be riotous but stay within our values and ethos. 

  • Be friendly, courteous and kind at all times. Unless someone is being a dick, then safely point out so. 

  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect that shows dignity and respect to others.  

  • Respect other people’s privacy, personal space and boundaries. 

  • Communicate with others in an open and respectful way. 

  • Be responsible and accountable in the way you carry out your role as a fanny. 

  • When creating political art, make sure everyone is comfortable and it doesn't put anyone in immediate danger. 

  • Don’t act fraudulently, dishonestly or in any manner that equates to being a dick.

  • Abide by all policies in place that you have signed off on.

With reference to the AIF #saferspacesatfestivals campaign, we advocate the following values:

1. Zero Tolerance to Sexual Assault 

2. Hands Off Unless Consent 

3. Don’t Be a Bystander*

(*Fanny Riot would expand on this to encourage people to be active bystanders)



In January 2022,  Popgirlz Scotland, Fanny Riot and POWA Scotland came together to conduct some research on the Scottish Festival scene. By observing whether festivals displayed a sexual misconduct or anti sexual harassment and violence policy on their website; including in their terms and conditions, they built a picture of the gaps glaringly left by Festival organisers in 2022.

FFS, or Friendly Festivals in Scotland is a campaign to get all Scottish festivals to display zero tolerance anti sexual violence policies on their websites, as a commitment to the safety of people attending.

Policies like this are a first step to addressing the fact that 1 in 5 women will experience sexual assault or harassment at a music festival.
Nearly half of female festival goers (43%) under 40 say they have faced unwanted sexual behaviour at a music festival

FFS have compiled a data set showing which music festivals in Scotland display an anti-sexual harassment & violence policy on their website.

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